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RCP Trench Detail

Please download this trench detail and use in your construction plans in order to clearly communicate your installation specifications to the contractor.  This trench detail is intended to be used in conjunction with: (1) ASTM C1479 Standard Practice for Installation of Precast Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe Using Standard Installations and (2) American Concrete Pipe Association LRFD Fill Height Tables.

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FCPA RCP Trench Detail 5-15-2023

Concrete Pipe
Fill Height Tables

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) Fill Height Tables specify the design installation depth from finished grade to top of pipe.  Four fill height tables are provided, based on the ASTM C1479 Standard Installations 1 - 4.  The Standard Installations allow for a range of soil classes and compaction density parameters based on the design depth needed and desired installation efficiency for your application.
For example, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Cover Heights are based on a Type 1 Standard Installation.  Alternately, a Type 3 Standard Installation allows for common concrete pipe sizes to be installed to depths of 13 feet using a wide range of soil types, possibly available from in-situ sources.

Download Fill Height Tables for Concrete Pipe (PDF)

Download Elliptical/Arch RCP Fill Height Tables (PDF)

Pages from ACPA Fill Height Tables for RCP